Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hell is for SISSIES

What happened to all the REAL men and women of America and the Church?? It seems now that we are just a bunch of Sissies in the Church and America....No longer do we have real men and women!! In reality we have become a society of Sissies.....We are surrounded every day by those we elected that are too afraid to stand up for what’s right and try to influence change. If it's not politically correct we shun it and even come up with a compromise. President Obama is a coward and we as America.....have allowed his cowardliness to influence us. It is the same in the religious world. Feel good sermons.....watered down salvation and touchy feely services seem to be the trend of the day. We've had 6 foot icicles in power for too long and 6 foot icicles pastoring and leading our churches too long....these 2 together is the reason America is in the shape it is today!! America is going to hell in a hand basket on a greased pole!! But I say hell is for SISSIES!!! Stand strong and proud America....Stand strong and proud Church!! Revelation 6:17For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
I guarantee it won't be a bunch of SISSIES standing!! #StandStrongAmerica #StandStrongChurch #StandStrongPastors #StandStrongSpiritualLeaders #StandStrongChristians #HellisforSISSIES !!

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