Monday, December 23, 2013


Luke 5:25-34
First thing I want to point out was, there was a sense of desperation, there was a desperate need.
It was a touch of desperation that moved her to do what she did.
Sometimes, why we don't receive from God what we need, is because we are not desperate enough.
Sometimes we don't even  try God until we've tried everything else!
God can save us time if we would just go to Him.
 God, I need healing, I need deliverance. I'm tired of this binding spirit and i want to be loosed!
If you are sick and tired of living like you are Depressed, Oppressed, Doubtful life and a Discouraged Walk?
 Get Desperate before God!!!
It's the touch of Desperation that's going to reach out and touch God.

The woman was in a desperate state!
When you come to the end of yourself and don't know which way to turn, THERE IS GOD!!!
 He awaits that Touch of Desperation!
It was desperation that that drove her to her knees.
She knew she had to do one thing and that was to get to JESUS!
How can i get to Jesus?

It was in her desperation that she got on her knees, perhaps began to crawl .
 Desperate need Desperate situation!
She couldn't reach Him any other way.
 In  her frail and fragile state, I believe she didn't have the strength or the ability to press through
while standing.
But when she got on her knees..........she found Strength!!!

When you've gone as far as you can go --- GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!
because ON YOUR KNEES you can see above your problems, trials and struggles.
  There is Victory when you are on your knees!

She had a desire to touch Jesus that was beyond embarrassment!
We need not care what everyone thinks or what it looks like, but we need to get on our knees
and not be embarrassed.
The woman did not care because she was desperate!
When you are desperate enough you will not care what it looks like.
Regardless of what it took she had to touch JESUS.
 It was an act of desperation!   IF I MAY BUT TOUCH THE HIM OF HIS GARMENT!!!
Then Jesus said-----WHO TOUCHED ME?
 If we would become desperate and touch Him, He will touch us!

I want to be determined to TOUCH HIM!
  We need to stop waiting on Jesus to touch us and reach out and touch Him!

There will be discouragers but Touching Jesus is all that matters!

Today, you may think that you will have another opportunity to touch Him, but there is no
 Jesus, I'm here now. I am desperate and I am going to touch you!
    "DON'T PASS ME BY!!"
You can't afford to allow Him to just pass by!
    Can't say: I'll pray another time
                       the altar "     "
                       seek God "     "
This may be the last time He passes by you.

Even though Jesus may be in our presence We will not receive if we don't reach out.
       IT'S UP TO YOU AND I !


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