As a child of God we should not have to run around in search for power, we should be saturated with power!
We have the POWER to be more than a conquer, you have the POWER to be the Victor, you have the POWER to bind and the POWER to loose, you have the POWER to declare that GOD can arise in your life and your enemies be scattered!
The first thing about the POWER of GOD is that He is the only source of legitimate POWER!
Matt 6:13
...for thine is the Kingdom and the POWER, and the Glory forever ,Amen.
It's in this verse it clearly states that the Kingdom of God is not one Kingdom amongst many Kingdoms....It is the only KINGDOM!
The Glory of GOD is not to be shared with anyone at any point in time, for all the Glory of GOD goes to GOD!
The POWER of GOD did not come from any other source, but GOD all my Himself is ALL POWERFUL!
Each and everyone of us have received POWER from something else but not GOD,GOD is POWERFUL all by Himself!
We could spend eternity and still not have enough time to grasp the unbelievable awesome POWER of GOD!
Paul describes His POWER this way....Eph 3:20
He said Gods POWER is unbelievably Awesome!
Gen 18:14
God ask Abraham a question that He is asking many of us today.
Is there anything to hard for the Lord?
Abraham was at a moment in his life where he had lost all hope in having a son with his wife Sarah.
The thought of Abraham being able to produce was enough to make Sarah laugh!
Yet Sarah was about to find out what most of us need to learn about the POWER of GOD!
The GOD we serve is so POWERFUL that He calls those things that are not as though they were and suddenly when he
declares it they become whatever He said they would be.
Hei is so POWERFUL He can look at the greatest failure in your life and declare i'm going to work this out for your good.
The day of your greatest tragedy becomes your moment of your triumph!
He is so POWERFUL that all He has to do is mention the word and suddenly the WEAK become STRONG,DEAD things come
OLD things are passed away and behold all things become NEW! Because nothing absolutely nothing is impossible with GOD!
I know God is POWERFUL but you don't know what the doctor said, you don't know what the experts said ........ROM 8:31..
IF GOD BE FOR US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US!!! He is more POWERFUL than your diagnosis, He is more POWERFUL than your circumstances.
Stop walking around saying i know GOD can but my circumstances states.....we need to look at the Devil and say I know what my circumstance is but my GOD is all POWERFUL and i know He is able!!!
Great education might help you harness the POWER of the mind, but Faith in GOD will help you capture the mind of the ALL KNOWING ONE!
If you have faith in GOD you have all the POWER you need.
HEB 11:6
Stop looking in everything that is going wrong and have Faith in a God that does everything right!
The mere fact that GOD'S mercy is renewed each morning is a daily reminder of how POWERFUL GOD is!!!
Do you know how much POWER it takes to forgive?
We are not as forgiving as we should be yet God is so POWERFUL that His mercies are renewed each morning.
In other words He looks at all of us and says i will give you another chance when the sun comes up.
For a moment look at Calvary and consider God's POWER on display.
Do you understand how much POWER it took to be submitted to Calvary?
He was not arrested by Rome, He submitted to Rome!
He was not on trial by Pilate, He allowed Pilate to question Him!
You and I would not have had the POWER to get out of the circumstance that He was in, but He possessed such POWER that
with just one mention He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy everyone who laid their hands on Him that day.
We can see his POWER on display as He demonstrates restraint when Herods men of war slapped Him, mock Him and spit in His face.
With just the snap of His fingers He could have destroyed them.
Yet He was so POWERFUL that He submitted and endured it.
Listen to the cat of nine tails as it finds it's way across His back and rips the flesh from His bones. 39 times He submitted Himself.
The nails in His hands and feet didn't hold Him to the cross, He remained on the cross because that's how POWERFUL He truly was.
Calvary is a demonstration of His POWER on display!
At any moment in time He could have said NO!, if this is what it cost to redeem the soul's of men...it's not worth it!
But because He is Almighty and all POWERFUL He endured/submitted to the cross.
He is so POWERFUL that He submitted Himself to the created that they might crucify Him that you and i can be set free!
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